A lot is going on and I a feeling the effects of the cause. We know by now to do this, in this order:
I. Intentions
II. Thoughts
III. Speech
IIII. Actions
Omai Philosophy:
Our intentions guide our thoughts.
Our thoughts guide our words.
Our words guide our actions.
Our actions guide our lives.
It is safe to check our intentions over our lives, not to skip the vital procedure at hand, but to show some focus. The focus right now are the effects of the cause. Today a good friend of mine needed one thing and one thing only: MONEY. She needed money to expand, to grow in her cause. Well the effect of her cause is going without to maintain giving to others. It is draining to continually give and receive not exactly what you need in return. They say you have not because you ask not, but I would like to interject and say, "There are those who ask not because they have not." Maybe they do not have a business plan, or the time, energy, and know-how to get one in gear, maybe they do not have their personal lives in order, maybe they do not have this or that, so they do not ask until they can get this or that taken care of. They are too afraid to ask for something because they know they are not in a position of responsibility over that need. Typing that took too much energy alone. Looking at your intentions: TAKE CARE OF THE CAUSE. Looking at your thoughts: TAKE GOOD CARE OF THE CAUSE. Looking at your words: I WILL DO TAKE CARE OF THE CAUSE NO MATTER WHAT. Looking at your actions: TAKE CARE OF THE CAUSE. You are in alignment for ALL good things to come and aid you to do just that, you must be focused in this fashion on a consistent basis. It is easier said than done, personal issues, surprise issues, daily living, etc. can cause you to get off kilter from intention to action, but the formula never changes.
How do you know you are on the right path?
You will know you are on the right path when your original intent (cause) keeps calling you. Let's use Pink Fire for example. I do not run around telling the world about this foundation yet, she is not ready to be exposed fully, so I ask not because I have not. Well the thing is, just because I am not fully ready to start "asking", the cause and original intent are not going away, they are still ready for me irrespective of what I have or do not have. The cause is foundational and almost considered a "fixture". So the cause (women owned & operated businesses and projects need funding) is still there loud and clear and ever-present. The effects are stressers, pinching like little nerve shocks every time a woman calls me and needs financial assistance whether personal or professionally. The effects are the fact that I know many women (even some men) who are in financial need to do what it is they do in business and I am alway advising, sometimes running myself silly to do the things they need for them, thus becoming a part of their financial aid, but my body and mind are needed for my own life and needs. So I am stretching myself when we can clear all of this up with a check.
The first check is checking myself. This type of check is unlimited and blank. The blank check is to be refreshed at all times and remain open, yet able to take care of any need at any time in any amount. The only way for me to have a BLANK CHECK mindset is to be clear of clutter, and damaging thoughts, circumstances, and situations.
The second check is checking the person in need. This type of check is definitely limited and filled in. The limited check is to be a one-time only supplement and remain as such, yet able to take care of that specific need at that time for that particular amount. The only way for me to have a FILLED CHECK mindset is to be clear of unworthy people, thoughts, cirucmstances, and situations. Remember, we choose our thoughts like our outfits. We also need to be cautious of the others "outfits" who we walk amongst.
The third check is checking the truth of the cause. This type of check is routine. The routine check is to be an ongoing support and remain as such, yet able to take care of each need which arises. The only way for me to have a ROUTINE CHECK mindset is to know what is priority and a spring-board issue. Spring board means it leads to bigger and better things as consistent as it is in need.
The fourth check is a financial check. No, not money yet, the idea, education, and maintenance mindset of finance. The financial check is to be cautious and aware of money, yet able to know how to maintain it. We are a fueling organization and we need to have a continum. The ony way for me to have a FINANCIAL CHECK mindset is to respect, honor, steward, and circulate money.
The fifth check is a annual check. Residual income is the best kind and you have an annual life, birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc. We cannot live paycheck to paycheck so we must live annual check to annual check. Say that, "I want to live annual check to annual check." Never say what you don't want, without stating what you DO want. The alternatives will save your live when stating the don't wants, until of course, you can completely focus, intend, think, speak and act on what you do want. Get out of the habit of speaking on issues you do not want to happen to and for you. ONLY state what you do want and right now an annual check does not sound so bad huh? Yes, your bills, needs, and wants taken care of annual is the bomb! The only way for e to have an ANNUAL CHECK mindset is to know I live year to year, think larger than the current and start thinking directly on the currency. Money flows like a current and that current must remain open year after year, not only day to day. Giving us Lord our daily bread is an understatement. I am not going to keep praying daily for an annual need. Now everyday I need to know my eyes will open and my body will rise, sure enough, but I know each year I have things to do, yes, even after I a dead and gone, my family has annual things to do and I want to aid in that. Also keep in mind, in the biblicals days/language a day meant: week, month, year, and actual day...(Theologian at heart...)
The sixth and final check is SHOW ME THE MONEY CHECK. Yes, the real check in hand. Now anytime you are awarded a check it means you did something to receive it. You filled out the form, you did the work, you received the inheritance, you did something to receive it. When you have to DO something to receive something, it means you DESERVE it. The only way for me to receive a SHOW ME THE MONEY CHECK mindset is to commit to actions which are just, and viable. This is what Pink Fire is about in full: SHOW ME THE MONEY. We need fuel, we deserve the fuel, and we know how to maintain the fuel. The end dot
So now that you are all checked, it is time to look at the effects of the cause. When you have a cause you support and are serious about, it will continue to present itself to you. In your mind, you will dream of it, desire it so badly it will make you grow restless. Like a hungry infant it will cry out to you until it is satisfied. You will yearn and long for it to be taken care of and you will nuture and grow it and not wait for something to fulfill the needs of the cause. You will become the effect of the cause and others will begin to effect you too. You will consistently realEYES that you have no choice besides taking care of your cause. You may think to yourself, "I have to do this or I am not true to me." You are right, you are not being true to yourself when you do not carry out your passion. Your passion may not fit the mold of another's, but it is just as critical and special. It is yours! Others may even be doing what you are doing, well the world needs more! Give it to them. How many banks are there? How many grocery stores, well before Wal-mart, how many social networking sites, well before Facebook, face it, variety on the same thing is just as nice as variety of many. Get your check up!
Being the Effect of The Cause,
Oh My!
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