Being in motion does take a good vehicle, dependable engine, and some great wheels, but how are you going to get anywhere without your fuel? Everything in motion takes fuel, including you, and in the business sector anorexia is a plague. The one area we don't need Dr. Ian Smith's 50 Million Pound Challenge is in our finances. One thing we do need however is a great relationship with Father Time. Think about it, when your timing belt goes out on your vehicle, you can have full tank of gas, and not be able to move. So we have some "Time's Sake" task for you to do while you are in business to keep the engine fresh and on point.
Pink Fire Philosophy
Those who are in need, will receive what they are willing to retrieve. You have to do the work and the Universe will cause everything to come into alignment with you. Here our descriptive philosophy is to:THINK PINK
Think it, speak it, act it, wear it, honor it, and create it. Let us try that again: your thoughts are spoken to become actions which become your environment covering you which you must respect and get into alignment with as you keep the flow revolutionized, evolutionized, solutionized and revitalized. Think. Speak. Act. Wear. Honor. Create. The colours are a whole other topic, but they represent the Pink Fire Foundation in a spectacular way.
Sure, Pink Fire is for those in need of money, however, we would like you to learn to maintain, not have money. Maintenance is in your thoughts, language, and actions of money. Getting rid of stinking thinking is going to set you apart from other entrepreneurs and get you to unprecedented levels within your goals and aspirations in business. Maintenance also comes from keeping your business on point in the public eye as much as in your back office. Risk takers are those brave enough to admit, they don't know what in the world they are doing, all they know to do is to do something and do it for something. Pink Fire is comprised with many risk takers who, on your behalf, are willing to get the fuel so your motion is necessarily steady and forward. Here are some practical points to apply in business:
Pink Fire "Time's Sake"
Daily Accomplishments. Keep a record via audio of your daily accomplishments. Why audio? So you can remain on the go and replay the sound of your own voice announcing your accomplishments. Hearing from others is wonderful, encouraging and empowering, but hearing from yourself is enlightening, cleansing, and free. Get you a voice recorder anywhere from $10 (used) - $100 (new).
Weekly Updates. Keep a record via documentation of your weekly updates, i.e. a calendar. Let people know what you are doing and how they can partner, assist and join you. Some of you may love Twitter, others like Facebook, maybe you just want to text it. Either way, communicate weekly updates to your staff and the public where applicable. Have a set of businesses who are your confided resource partners and keep them posted of what you are doing and of where you are going. Email them your weekly updates, you never know what a blessing you could be to them. Get you an intern or volunteer to keep up with this.
Monthly Meetings. Keep a record via live video of your monthly meetings. Start your company documentary. Come on, with all of the reality shows and televised media at our finger tips including Youtube, the possibilities of video are endless and lucrative. $ponsors may want to join in on the fun? These meetings may not discuss trade secrets or confidential points of business, rather allow you to mingle in person with your staff and public where applicable. You may want to take all of the footage at the end of the year and make you and hour "special" and let the world know what you are doing? This way, when you get media air time, you have done a lot of the leg work and have greater control over what is aired. Get you some college students or a family video person to take care of this for you, pay for his gas, or something nice; the *barter system works really well you know it is a multimillion dollar business too...
Quarterly Appreciation. Keep a record of tangible appreciation to the public. Word of mouth advertising is free gift yet brings in a high-dollar return. Get survey information from those receiving your tangible appreciation and post it online. When people are tangibly appreciated, your marketing budget gets to unbutton their waistline and relax. People who feel appreciated do more without wanting more. Pink Fire Foundation is greatly supported by The Appreciation Company and looking at their name, we know what they do. They began The Appreciation Movement where consumers and staff are rewarded for keeping Big Business functional and making company brand's expand in our world. Get you an appreciation department:
Annual Celebration. Keep a record of a public display which has an inclusive array of your year open to the world. Hard work does pay off and rewarding yourself and those around you is not only healthy, it is vital to survival. This celebration does not have to be lavish and luxurious (unless you have it like that), but it does need to happen. At a park, at a museum, at a house, on a boat, it doesn't matter. Celebration is something which heals, reveals, and motivates. You may choose to feed the homeless, clean up the city or just jam it out at the end of the year, but get in the habit of gracing each year with your celebration and you will notice that the expectations of the years following stay steady and become more and more necessary while you inspire and leave your legacy. Get you a good connection with a hotel, park, convention hall or something; *barter...
... Be like time, keep it moving!
Omai Kofi
"Dr. O.K."
Founder and President
Pink Fire Foundation
"Fueling Her Up"
(800) 254 - PINK
PINK FIRE "Blazing The World, Fueling Our Nation"
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